Getting Started

Using the Order Backlog


The order backlog contains a list of prints that are available for processing. The data is sourced from the Shopify web store orders. Where an order has multiple different voyage prints, they will be listed as individual rows in the table. When an order contains multiple copies of the same print, this is represented as a single row in the table and the quantity column will indicate the number of copies.

The shopify data including the financial status and fulfilment status observed in the table is refreshed when the page loads. Customer data is not stored within Nautical Mapper. To search or sort by a particular field, one can use the text boxes or arrow labels.

To edit a row in the table, click on the pencil icon. There are a select set of fields that can be edited (map status, assigned to and notes). Clicking the tick confirms the edits, clicking the minus sign rejects the edits. Edited data is not persisted back to Shopify.

To delete a row in the table, click the red cross icon. You will be asked to confirm the deletion. This is a soft deletion and can be recovered with assistance from a technical partner. Delete actions do not affect Shopify data.


The end date colour indicator is used to indicate if the print is able to be processed. It is not possible to process voyages in the future and hence the print id button will be disabled. Green indicates that the print is ready for processing. Orange indicates that the print will be ready for processing within 7 days. Red indicates that more than 7 days are required before processing.

The image link is enabled after a copy of the map has been generated within the print preview. This returns the image saved in the S3 bucket. One is also not able to order a print until the map has been generated.

The table is paginated and you can alter the page size by selecting the show drop down. One can also navigate to the different pages using the arrow icons or by selecting the page number.

Manual Orders

Manual orders can be created for orders that are not sourced from Shopify. To create a manual order, click on the create manual order button and enter the relevant voyage and print information. Note that at present, manual orders cannot be sent to Prodigi as the prerequisite customer information is not collected or stored within Nautical Mapper. Manual orders have an order name starting with #MO.

To view a map in the map editor, click on the Print Id button. This will launch the map editor with the corresponding map information. For maps that have been saved before the subsequent map editor will load relatively quickly. For maps that have not been saved before the load will be slow.

Using the Map Editor

Initial Load & Data Processing

Upon loading the map editor, there will be a slight delay as data is being fetched and processed from the AIS API, this can take up to 10 seconds to respond. The prior voyage indicator will indicate whether or not a prior voyage has been used to generate the data. Note that a voyage is only considered a prior voyage, if its details have been saved and hence a historical GeoJson file exists in the storage bucket.

If a pre-existing voyage exists, the stored data will be loaded in from the data bucket for the voyage. The print details will also be loaded and a track of data points with corresponding timestamps will also be fetched from the AIS Data API. If there is no pre-existing voyage, then further raw data is requested from the AIS data API. After the data is available, the port calls are determined and track trimming is attempted. Subsequent loads may be faster as the API data is cached for 30 minutes. With the arrival of the data, the GeoJSON is displayed on the map editor.

Trimming the Ship Track

By default, where possible, the track is automatically trimmed. If the track has been auto trimmed, the indicator in the top right will indicate so and the trim buttons will also be disabled. Additionally, the timestamp track will not be visible. If the auto trim fails however, the indicator will show Failed and the timestamp track will be visible. At this point, the buttons to adjust the start of the track and end of the track will become enabled.

The left hand buttons in the start trim group will extend the track; the right hand buttons in the start trim group will shorten the track. Conversely in the end trim group, the left hand buttons in the end trim group will shorten the track whilst the right hand buttons will extend the track. The track can be extended up to 24 hours before and after. Outside of this, re-running data is required. The track can be shortened until it no longer exists.

Timestamps can be toggled on using the timestamp toggle so that you can observe the raw data points sampled at an hourly granularity level. If you wish to work with more granular data, you can switch on the full raw data. Bear in mind that this may be a large data set and plotting it will likely slow or freeze the user interface for a few seconds depending on the device running the application.

Remember to click save details once satisfied with any changes.

ReRun Data & Voyage Re-use

If you wish to edit the ship name, ports or dates, you will need to re-run the data. To do so, make the desired edits and then click re-run data. Nautical Mapper will search to see if any existing voyages match those parameters. If there are voyages matching those parameters, the corresponding voyage will be returned. The prior voyage indicator will indicate Yes or No depending upon if a pre-existing voyage was found. Upon clicking Save Details, the print will be tied to the existing voyage. If there are no voyages matching those parameters a new voyage will be created with the corresponding data.

Depending on whether the pre-existing voyage auto-trimmed successfully will determine whether or not a track trimming activity is required on this. Trimming on this voyage, will also correct the prior voyage.

Remember to click save details once satisfied with any changes. Note, where a prior voyage has been found and identified for this print, Saving Details will establish the benchmark for this voyage. Consequently both historical and new prints matching this voyage, will be affected by changes that are made on this voyage. Note that like all other edit functionality in the view map editor, refreshing without saving details will not persist any details.

Editing the Track

To edit the track, click on the Edit Layers icon. Here you will be able to drag the track data points in the direction you desire. Click save to confirm the new shape of the track. Upon clicking save, the distance will be re-calculated to match the new length of the track. You can delete elements of the track by right clicking on them as in the previous tool.

Remember to click Save Details to preserve the edits.

Adding and Deleting Ports

To add a port, click on the marker icon in the top right corner. Next click on the map where you wish to place the marker. To edit the label on the port, see the below instruction. You can click cancel to prevent the placement of the port marker. If you wish to delete the port, click the delete icon and then click on the port. Click save to remove the port. If any text remains, delete the text using the Label Editor textbox.

Updating Port Label Text

To edit the label on a particular port, click on the existing port to select the appropriate label. Next replace the Label Editor text with the desired text for the label. The label text will update on the map as you type.

Changing Map Print Properties

To change the print properties associated with the map, i.e. orientation, size, style, labels, title, one can select the fields on the left hand side and select the appropriate option from the drop down or enter the desired text. The number of days and distance are calculated fields derived from the dates or track respectively. Labels are switchable via the toggle. Changing visibility will not affect the visibility of the labels in the view map page, but will change the visibility within the print preview page and the final map output.

Note: The print properties on the GeoJSON files are not read from any aspect of the system; instead they are now read from the print table.

Remember to click Save Details to persist any changes.

Using the Print Preview & Map Generation

Editing the Map

You can edit the position of the labels on the map by dragging them to the desired positioning. After changing the label position, remember to hit Save JSON to persist the label positions. Note that label position edits are only visible in the print preview and not in the view map editor.

Generating the Map

To generate the map, click on the Generate Map button. This will start the process of generating a map by scaling up the original map to match the required dimensions and resolution for printing. After generating the map, remember to click Save Map to upload it to the storage bucket. Note that the Save Map button only works if the map has been generated.

Note that the map generation process uses a lot of memory and can fail if combined with heavy map styles and a machine performing lots of other activities. It is recommended to close other windows or applications when using the Nautical style. Map generation also downloads a high volume of map tiles and so requires a good broadband internet connection.

Ordering a Print

Ordering a print requires the map to be saved first as the file needs to be available in the prints folder to be shared with Prodigi. Upon clicking on Order Print, a modal appears showing the original print information provided by Shopify and the current print information. There will be differences if you have modified the print attributes from the original order. Once you are satisfied with the parameters you can click order print. Please note that the Prodigi API is very slow and orders may take up to 30 seconds to be acknowledged. A prodigi print reference is returned with the acknowledgement. The Prodigi order id also appears in the order backlog table.

Prodigi downloads the file within 48 hours of the print order being placed.

Shopify Fulfilment

After Prodigi has shipped the order, their system notifies Nautical Mapper which in turn creates a fulfilment within Shopify. A partial fulfilment is created if some, but not all of the order items have been shipped. Nautical Mapper instructs Shopify as to which of the items have been fulfilled.

Updating System Entities

Map Configuration & Styles

To update the map configuration and styles you will need to upload a new map configuration file to the styles folder in the S3 bucket.The styles listed in the tool are read from the directory. Within the styles folder, you specify a JSON object in which you override the properties (keys) of the style attributes you wish to change. When a particular style is selected, its attributes are applied over the top of the base configuration style to create the final style displayed on the screen.


To modify the ports that the system uses you will need to connect your database client to the underlying database that the system uses. Within the database, you will find the port entries in the ports table. You can then perform the desired, create, update, queries against the ports in the system. Deletions should be handled by a technical partner to protect the integrity of the system.


To modify the ships that the system uses, you will need to connect your database client to the underlying database that the system uses. Within the database, you will find the ship entries in the ships table. You can then perform the desired create and update queries against the ships in the system. Deletions should be handled by a technical partner to protect the integrity of the system.